Robert Crouse
Memorial Lecture 2024
The Rev. Dr. Robert Crouse was for many years a resident of Crousetown, in the childhood home where his family had lived for more than two centuries. He has been called “one of the most influential Canadian theologians of his generation.” In the early 1970s he established the current choir at the University of King’s College Chapel in Halifax. Its website tells us about Fr. Crouse’s impact on the choir’s work and how it “continues to enhance and shape the poetic liturgy of the King’s Chapel. His writings and his love for the medieval Italian poet, Dante, continue to powerfully shape the personal and intellectual formation of students” at King’s.

Fr. Crouse relaxing at the home of a friend ~ anthonyjburton photo
Each year, beginning in 2016, The Robert Crouse Memorial Lecture has been held in his honour. This year, on Sunday, January 14, 2024, the Rev’d Dr Thom Curran gave the annual Robert Crouse Memorial Lecture in the Chapel at King’s, entitled Bologna • Paris • Pisa • Wittenberg • Berlin: The Legacy of the Medieval European University. The lecture was preceded by a Choral Evensong at 6:30 p.m. and followed by a reception in the President’s Lodge.
This year’s lecture took place in conjunction with a series of related activities both at King’s and elsewhere in Halifax to formally launch what Fr. Ranall Ingalls of the King’s Chapel called a “remarkable publication project, The Works of Robert Crouse. Two volumes are already in print…together with a study guide for Images of Pilgrimage by Rhea Bright… Fr Crouse once described the vocation of the University as concerned with the renewal of memory and hope. He elsewhere wrote of hope ‘which does not disappoint’. In this lecture and book launch, the opportunity lies before us to begin the New Year engaged together in this great work of renewal on behalf of all.”
For those not able to attend the book launch events in person, some events at least will be livestreamed or recorded or both.
A schedule and list of speakers may be downloaded below. Check the project website online for last-minute changes, if any.
Honouring Robert Crouse
Download a program for this two-day event below. Scroll down to the small program icon on the download page.
Works of Robert Crouse website.
Contact information:
Gary Thorne
Erin Wagner: